In this somewhat less than exciting blog I will examine the adventures that I have in life, mostly in front of the televison, while eating dinner or in my perpetual quest to finish all of my dammed grading. I hate grading!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009


There is nothing quite as lonely as a tourist town full of whores. Everyone is with someone, either with friends or loved ones, real or imagined. And yet I am not taking part in the charade. Just a tourist alone.
A week has come and gone since I left my apartment. It was my home for six years. The other afternoon while waking from a nap I thought I was there. It just felt like I was back. I don't like being homeless.
One of the reasons I am starting to not like travelling is being alone. I need someone to travel with but somehow haven't managed to get anyone. I have a rather strange group of friends. What an odd bunch they are. Come on fellows you know it's true. And yet all of them have somehow managed to get married. I might be the last man standing. Even my dirty old man friend is talking about getting hitched. What am I doing wrong?
So here I sit in Bangkok while others do whatever others do. Six more weeks until I am in my new home. I am looking forward to Shanghai since I think it is a place I can not travel from. I am tired of travelling alone. Maybe it will be better just to stay put in my new home.


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