In this somewhat less than exciting blog I will examine the adventures that I have in life, mostly in front of the televison, while eating dinner or in my perpetual quest to finish all of my dammed grading. I hate grading!!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

My brain hurts

It is hard to believe that my course is almost over. I think I have actually learned a lot. Perhaps too much. It is all going around in my head too fast. So I will have to review more when I get back to Kuwait.

When I came to Yemen I thought I would take a six week group course, but since I was almost a beginner they put my into a three week private course. Same material, but less time. It has been intense, but at least I am the only student, so when I mess up (if you can imagine such a thing) or am slow, I am not holding anyone back.

I thought about taking another three week course, but have decided against it for two reasons: 1. My brain is already too full and is starting to hurt;

2. Yemen is actually kind of boring (and I will scream if I have to eat more chicken or beans);

3. I have a ticket booked to Thailand in about three weeks. So I think I will just go home to Kuwait and relax in the 47 degree heat. Then maybe on to Thailand. I haven't paid for that ticket yet, so I will have to see what happens next.

Well Yemen has been okay. But Wednesday it is back to Kuwait.


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