Some more random thoughts
Well bridges come and bridges go. Reading about the bridge collapse in Minnesota has made me think. America's in trouble. But I have known this for years. We have been spending way too much money on the military and too few on important needs, like schools, infrastructure, etc. So now we are entering the age of falling bridges. Who do you blame? My Democrat friends will blame Bush. The Republicans will blame Congress. Really I blame Clinton. Why is he at fault. Well he always bragged about the budget surplus in the 1990's. Perhaps he should have spent some on bridges. But really it is not only his fault. You can also blame Congress and Bush if it makes you happier.
Barak Obama. Man he is on fire. He is getting tough. But will he win an election? I don't know. I think Hillary might still have this one locked up, but I am rooting for Barak on the Democratic side. I also still think it will be Gore, but he has been holding out on us. Plus Live Earth was a political bust. Can you imagine the irony of his not running because of a shitty Madonna song? That would be worse than not carrying your home state to win the whole thing in 2000! But as for now "Go Barak, go!!!"
The End of Asia and the last trip. (My apologies to you know who on this one. If you know you know, if you don't you don't.) Something inside of me is different. I think my 20 years in Asia might have reached its conclusion. I first arrived in November 1987, touching down in Misawa, Japan. I was young then, only 22. Much thinner. Not so handsome (nowadays I am stunning). Young and impressionable. In the next 20 years Asia was in the front of my mind. I went back to Japan, moved to Korea and China, visited many different places on the continent. But now, I think it might be over. Time to move on and all of that. But how about Kuwait? Technically the Middle East is in Asia, but it is really a different place. So for now what is going to happen? Well I guess I will just have to wait and see.
My friend, Liz Fraser. Liz is getting married! I am very happy for her. May they be forever happy.
A year of going without. I will most likely go home next summer, but before then I think I am going to take a vacation from vacationing. I might go to Iran for a wedding, but that will be about friendship, not travel. I am also going to try to go without any new books for the next year. That will be the hardest part of the year I think. I read a lot but I buy more than I can read. So I need to either learn how to read faster or buy less. This year I am going to try to buy less (or nothing at all). Also this is going to be the year I walk more, weigh less and feel more marvelous. Plus my student loan will be paid off and I will be able to save a ton of money.
Barry Bonds. I kind of wish he would just break the record. I wish he would hit five home runs in one game to just say, there it's done. But before we celebrate we must remember: He hasn't been found guilty or admitted to doing something that wasn't illegal in baseball when it was said that he did it. Wrap your noodle around that one.
Mos Burger. It is now in Bangkok. To be fair, I have only been three times in the time I have been here (all 18 days). I must say, I wasn't happy with it at first, since it was a little different from in Japan. But now I give it two thumbs up.
Three movies that could have sucked. You know how every summer some movies just suck. Well the reviews are in and three that could have sucked, didn't. I mean "The Simpson's", "The Bourne Ultimatum", and "Hairspray." All three had big sucking ops, but they seemed to have delivered with the critics. I have only seen the last one, and it was a joyful experience. It started out with a great number, and just kept getting better. The first two start in Bangkok next week, so I will get to see them before return to the Land of Friends, Kuwait.
Well a big over and out...
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