BIFF, Day Seven
Today there were two movies to see, maybe three. We'll get to that when we get to that. There are two wonderful words in the language that I choose to speak. That set the heart to fluttering. I read them last night before leaving the theater and I knew instantly that this would be the first movie I would watch. The words were: "Juliet Binoche." Ah, Juliet, why are you in faraway France? Have you ever considered teaching drama in Kuwait? Look if you need a reference, I will happily give you one.
Back back to the movies. The first movie I saw was called "A Few Days in September." It was a French film that explored how a rogue American agent basically destroyed the World Trade Center as a way to make some money for his kids. Okay, it sounds a little far-fetched, until you realize these are the types of rumors that have been floating around since 9/11. It was a pretty good movie, if one overlooks the premise. And it did contain Juliet Binoche, and she was wearing glasses, which was sexy, but she was smoking, so I think it might be over between us, before it even began.
The second film was called "Dreams," and it was from Iraq. It took place before and during the American war there. It was a neat film to see, considering how I live in Kuwait. At one point someone lit a cigarette with the same matches I have at home. That was neat. It shows some of Saddam's cruelty, but I don't know who they got to play Americans. I think they were Italian or something. They just seemed a little off.
The third movie didn't happen, because I was tired. So I went to eat Korean food instead. Of course, I will remember missing that third movie, but no worse than how I will feel tomorrow morning when I remember that I had spicy Korean food last night. As my friend Paul used to say: "Spicy in, spicy out."
So that is a wrap. Two more movie days to go.
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