Dem Debates
I was able to catch the last half of the Democratic debate the other day. I have a few comments.
For one, I cannot believe that the Democrats are going to choose Lady MacBeth as their standard bearer. It seems more and more likely every day. I wonder if they will wise up.
Second, Obama looked good. I still don't know why he isn't in the lead. Edwards looked weak. I think he will fade fast after December.
Two people who looked really good to me were Dodd and Biden. I can't believe they aren't showing up in the polls. How Richardson is leading them is anyone's guess. He seemed a bit nervous to be the president in my opinion. I think he is running for the veep position though, since he knows he has a lot more to offer Hillary than Obama. Blacks are going to vote Democratic, even if decided to run two Klanmen on the ticket, but the Hispanic vote is split. Richardson could help in the Southwest and the Mountain states. He needs to be less nervous though.
I must say the real idiot of the night was Gravel. It seemed that everyone was uncomfortable with him even being there. Kucinich has no chance of winning but at least he is thoughtful and behaved. Gravel reminds me of my old, drunk, racist granddaddy; always saying something at an inopportuned time.
So if I have to break down the candidates for who I think the Democrats should nominate I would put them in this order:
1. Obama
2. Dodd
3. Kucinich
4. Biden
5. Richardson
6. Edwards
7. Stalin
8. Hitler
9. Mao
10. Pol Pot
11. Hillary
12. Attila the Hun
13. Gravel
At least Gravel didn't make the top dozen.
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