In this somewhat less than exciting blog I will examine the adventures that I have in life, mostly in front of the televison, while eating dinner or in my perpetual quest to finish all of my dammed grading. I hate grading!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Mormon versus the "Muslim"

Just had an interesting conversation with a colleague. Seems he won't vote for Obama because he feels he is a secret Muslim, and also won't vote for Romney because he is a Mormon. I am sure many Americans feel the same way.

But it raises the question: what if they are both the nominees for the Presidency? Who will America vote for then?

Just wondering. I guess those issues aren't behind us as a nation. Of course, this could all be just a dream matchup, kind of like if the keeper of the world's emerging world religion, Environmentalist and number one Anti-Christ contender, Al Gore, throws his hat into the ring.

But now I am just babbling like a brook.


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