In this somewhat less than exciting blog I will examine the adventures that I have in life, mostly in front of the televison, while eating dinner or in my perpetual quest to finish all of my dammed grading. I hate grading!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Whoops I've done it again

It must be the fall because I am already thinking about next summer. This can only mean one thing: film school thoughts. That being said, as always, I have re-applied to the New York Film Academy's course in Paris. So if I hold true to my goal then next summer will be spent in lovely Paree! Now I will have to pay the remainder of the course fees and get a flat for the summer.
One thing that could be interesting is how long our summer vacation is next year. There is some talk in Kuwait that we won't be coming back until after Ramadan which could push the holiday into mid-September. That would be super-dreamy. Imagine three months in Paris instead of two!
Well as Kuwait gets colder, and more lovely every day, I think of the warmth of Parisian sun (more likely cloudy and cold, but hey, that's European summer).
Because of these plans I think I will cancel winter vacation. No trips until June. Bypassing winter will save me 3000 dollars or more. That will definitely help this summer. Now if the Euro would just keep dropping.
Well dear reader, please take care.


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