In this somewhat less than exciting blog I will examine the adventures that I have in life, mostly in front of the televison, while eating dinner or in my perpetual quest to finish all of my dammed grading. I hate grading!!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Crack in the earth

My friend Mike Hunton writes the following:

Hi Jeff
Are you on holiday or something? Your blog seems stuck on October.
I tried writing a week ago or so but the server went out on me as I was sending it. Lost whatever I had written. I think I was thanking your for the link to the cracked article.
I actually have some time today as I was hit my a nasty bought of diarrhea and vomitting just before dinner yesterday. I was saved to the end to get it in our little household. If there is a silver lining in this, it would be that I don't have to teach my two least favorite classes on MOnday afternoon. Why, right as I type this I would be suffering in front of 15 kids who would rather shove bamboo shoots under their fingernails. From some of their behaviour, maybe that is what they are doing. How do you go about dealing with students who are openly and intentionally disrespectful? And you can't cheat by promising to fail them or bring in the principal or vice principal because I can't do that. I found out that, yes, they do take an exam, but no, that doesn't stop them from going to the next year.
Did you hear that Hisae is pregnant with our second? She is due in early May. We still don't know if it is a boy or girl.
YOur contract is up this year isn't it? What are your plans for after this school year?
I try to check your blog ever now and then. Hope you add to it.
Take care and best wishes.

So I guess I need to update from time to time. Not much to say. School has been fun this year, but I am ready for a change. I have been thinking of giving up the comforts of the school year and trying something else. If I decide I will let everyone know.

Well have fun.



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