In this somewhat less than exciting blog I will examine the adventures that I have in life, mostly in front of the televison, while eating dinner or in my perpetual quest to finish all of my dammed grading. I hate grading!!!

Friday, March 02, 2007

A ticket I have always dreamed of holding

In the 1980's I started reading about the Middle East. The hostage situation in Beirut was troubling but fascinating to follow.

Then in 1999 I interviewed for a job in Beirut. I came so close to getting it, but in the end the job didn't go to me.

Since I have been in Kuwait, I have done a little travelling throughout the Middle East: been on trips to Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Turkey and Egypt. But I still hadn't made it to Lebanon, land of beautiful women. Last summers war looked like I would have to wait even longer.

But wait no longer will I. I finally went and bought a ticket. It was so nice to see my name next to the word Beirut. I will be there in less than four weeks. I love vacations and I am really looking forward to taking this one.

I will write more soon.


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