Russians with bugs and thick tea

Lazy day. Lots of showers, a nap, and shirt changes. Went to see the sunset at Mt. Lavinia beach but it was obscured by clouds. Ate fish for dinner. The guide was right. Great service, okay food. It wasn't the good value I have come to appreciate at Ruby's.
Early in the day, something bad happened. Russians arrived. They girls came wearing way too much makeup and tight jeans. The men all looked like minature Putins. The Soviet Union gave us ugly architecture and uglier people. Didn't Reagan outlaw these guys? When we spea
k of good Russians, like Tolstoy, et al. aren't we really talking about pre-Soviet or dissident Russians. The rest, forgetaboutit.

Then later in the evening as I was trying to sleep something even worse happened. A mosquito flew past my ear. I had to call the front desk. They came to spray. After a while I was able to sleep. Then the Russian man started slamming his door. I had to go and tell him to cut it out. He didn't know how to behave in a hotel, that is what I am telling you. He stopped for a while but then he started it again at 3 am. I wanted to call the front desk and ask if there was some kind of spray for Russians.
So I had a terrible sleep. I really don't know why: it could have been the threat of future mosquitos or the door slamming, but really I think it was the three pots of tea.