So I was finally right about something...Sarah Palin

I think McCain and Palin are going to win the election. It might be close or it might be a blowout, but his choice of her was brilliant. All of my liberal friends are starting to snipe at her, but she is just what conservatives need: someone who believes in small government. Complain about her lack of foreign experience if you'd like Mr. Obama, but that only brings up yours. (Living in Indonesia doesn't qualify unless you want people to look further into that madrassa you were in.) Attacking her on her lack of experience only enhances the fact that Obama also has none. One friend even mentioned the population of Alaska as if it were an indicator of why she shouldn't be veep (Delaware is so big!).
So I finally got something right. I think she is the lady to break through that glass ceiling. I always thought the Republicans would elect the first woman or minority, mostly because they don't just sit around and whine like the Democrats did last week.
Should be fun from here on out. Here is a picture of Sarah Palin in Kuwait. Wow! Talk about foreign experience.