In this somewhat less than exciting blog I will examine the adventures that I have in life, mostly in front of the televison, while eating dinner or in my perpetual quest to finish all of my dammed grading. I hate grading!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

88 to 77

I am having troubles with my summer plans. I know the non-teaching population who reads this blog are not interested in hearing of my troubles, since they will be working all summer, but I am sure a few teachers will understand my concerns. What to do?

Original I thought about doing a course in Paris, but the costs just kept going up and up; so I scrapped that plan for next year at the earliest. Then I thought travelling could be fun. I will have 11 weeks and the idea of travelling for 77 days sounds kind of intriguing. Then the idea of another course came up. Go to Yemen and study Arabic. So now I am perplexed. Where is Maimonides when I need him most?

So there you have it: studying in Yemen in the mountain air of Sanaa? or travelling from Bangkok all the way down to Indonesia to see volcanoes? Oh, the choices I must make. I guess I could try to combine the two, since I can get a transit ticket to Yemen, but I will have to wait until after spring break to decide.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Reasons why Kuwait is awesome: Reason Number One

I had to go to the airport last night to pick up some students from Oman. We are having an academic tournament this weekend (the Annual Half-week for Geeks). Their plane was late. So we go them and as we were driving to school, one kid got really excited because he saw the Donut King as we were turning the corner. I told him we also had Krispie Creme and Dunkin' Donuts and I thought he was going to die. I guess Oman just doesn't have any, which is what they confirmed.

Everyone always complains about Kuwait and wants to go to interesting countries like Oman; but as for me I am staying for the Donuts. Yummy.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Rhymes with heinous

I usually don't bother with such things, but Ann Coulter is just one stupid person. I found what she said about John Edwards completely pointless, inappropriate and utterly incomprehensible. I am glad to see that all sides have been attack her. However, she has a habit of expressing her ignorance on a daily basis. Look what she said 2 days after 9/11 (and on my birthday to boot). What a horrible person she is.

Friday, March 02, 2007

A ticket I have always dreamed of holding

In the 1980's I started reading about the Middle East. The hostage situation in Beirut was troubling but fascinating to follow.

Then in 1999 I interviewed for a job in Beirut. I came so close to getting it, but in the end the job didn't go to me.

Since I have been in Kuwait, I have done a little travelling throughout the Middle East: been on trips to Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Turkey and Egypt. But I still hadn't made it to Lebanon, land of beautiful women. Last summers war looked like I would have to wait even longer.

But wait no longer will I. I finally went and bought a ticket. It was so nice to see my name next to the word Beirut. I will be there in less than four weeks. I love vacations and I am really looking forward to taking this one.

I will write more soon.

Al Gore Redux

I got up early the other morning to watch the Oscars. The star, of course, was Al Gore. I have been saying for some time that I believe Gore will be the Democratic nominee in 2008. I now think I am correct. His brief allusion to his desire to run was most clever and fun to watch. He was cool, calm and collected. It reminded me of another hip moment from 1968, when Nixon said "Sock it to me baby" on Laugh-In. It will be interesting to see how Gore and the Dems respond to this moment. If you are interested in learning more about this big Al moment then check out the movement at
This is starting to look like an interesting political season.
Just hope that Gore doesn't promise to get us out of Iraq and then start bombing the crap out of Syria, like Nixon, when he promised to get us out of Vietnam, by bombing Laos and Cambodia. I think the Middle East has had too many killing fields already.
So good luck Mr. Gore. Make Tennessee proud.